Have you ever gotten/given a wedgie?
Considering the fact that I have three brothers, I think the answer goes without saying! Although I have to admit that I've probably given them out a lot more than I've received them. I have a very immature sense of humor!
Where is the worst place to have a zit?
Oh wow there are a couple. The one right under your nose KILLS and it takes forever to surface! The other one is the loner in the middle of your cheek or forehead. That one is great because no matter what you do or how much you cover it up with make-up, you know that the first thing people will think when they see you is "nice try, but it's still there buddy".
What are some pick up lines that work? What definitely doesn't work?
The funniest thing I ever heard was "Did you fart because you just blew me away!" Not to sound scatological or anything, but I have to admit I laughed for a good couple of minutes at that one! The only good pick up lines are the funny ones and anything else is just terrible. The cheesier, the more repelling.
What’s the funniest thing in the world to you?
I am so ashamed to say this, but when people trip, fall or essentially make complete idiots out of themselves in public, I lose all self-control. I have, however, mastered the art of controlling myself so as to not laugh in direct view of the unfortunate soul. BUT let's not forget that I am one of the goofiest people out loose in the streets and never miss a chance to make an ass out of myself so I hope that that in itself will vindicate me.
What would you do with 10,000 dollars?
Because I love to travel, I would go around the world with 2 friends. Safari in central Africa, desert in north Africa, backpacking in Europe, beaches in the pacific, exploring in south America... I want to see and do everything! Although I'm not sure how far 10,000 would get me... I'm not too good with budgets, you see.
What's the most epic way to die?
I see maybe jumping out of a burning house with 2 kids under your arms and mister jingles, the family cat, hanging out of your underpants in a desperate attempt to save them (which you do by letting them use you as a cushion and subsequently dying yourself because of it). Or jumping in front of the president to save him right after your hear two gunshots and knowing that "NOOOOOooo...." will actually be the last word that you utter. Something heroic of that nature.
If you could be any insect (excluding a butterfly) what would you be?
A ladybug! Everyone loves ladybugs because you get to make a wish every time one lands on you! You just want to nuzzle those cute little buggers!
Favorite look on a guy:
I have to admit that I'm a full out preppy girl. Love the English or Ivy League or Nantucket/Cape Cod/Martha's Vineyard look. Blazers, polos, rugby shirts, trench coats, nice clean hair... oooh! Makes me go nuts! But of course, looks don't matter. I'm just speaking hypothetically here. It's what's inside that counts.
Have you ever hooked up with someone you met on the internet?
DEAR GOD NO! I may be blonde but I certainly am not completely daft! Fat, shady and stupid is no way to go through life, and no way to meet a significant other, either. Ew.
Did you ever go to a summer camp and hook-up?
I once went to camp when I was 7 and I was so traumatized by the food that I refused to ever go back to camp. This meant that camp was never much of a hook up option. But I made up for that in other ways :) No, not band camp.
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